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Sunday, October 26, 2008

so far in life....

School is alright at the moment. I'm slowly catching up, and I feel not so lost anymore. I've been working so much I barely have any time to do schoolwork. The most important thing I have to do by Monday is have an essay done, and I also need to create an outline for an in-class midterm essay. Ugh...I dread writing papers and shit. I'm stressed out enough already and this whole writing essay thing gives me a big headache. There is really nothing else going on at school; however, I don't get to see any of my friends that much because I'm either at work right before school, or have to go to work right after school. I have no time to socialize, so I've been feeling lonely.
Ugh...I really hate my job at the moment because I'm having a hard time balancing my job and school. I have my good days and my bad days, but the good days aren't like SUPER amazing. I've been working every day for the past week, and they wanted me to work this Sunday. I was like fuck no because I'm so tired, and I
need to relax and have a day where I can just do schoolwork. I want the hours because I want to make money, but school is the most important thing.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Creepy School Campus

I just got out of Intro to Business, and I think I totally bombed my midterm. This is not good. I bullshitted like everything, but sometimes I do surprisingly well on some tests. I think this is one of those test that I did horrendously bad on = [yea see my sad face? Lol.

Monday, October 20, 2008

First Blog!

Here is the first blog! I don't have the time to write much as of right now, but I think this will do for now. What is the purpose of this blog page I've created? Well, I have no clue. I guess I've created this for myself. I have a lot of thoughts going through my head, and it gets kind of hectic inside my brain. I feel that creating this blog page is a good way for me to orgainize my thoughts and see what it is I'm thinking. Do I make any sense? Probably not, but oh well. I don't mind putting out my thoughts and feelings for people to see, for I'm very open and straight foward. This is all I have for now, and in the mean time, I'm going to try and sneak in a short nap. I have a very bad headache.

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